We are now back on the road eastbound and have checked out some interesting sites. We have had some really hot weather here recently (I know you are all feeling really sorry for us!) but as we get further east it gets cooler and windier.
Casa Grande Ruins
This is a National Monument south of Phoenix and is home to the "big house" built by prehistoric people called the Hohokom prior to 1350 AD. Around these partial ruins are the remains of a walled village. There was even a a ball court there where the Hohokom appeared to be a fairly competitive bunch - if you lost a game the losers would be given to the Gods.
Every time we visit a National Park or National Monument, the girls take a Junior Ranger program - they basically have to complete a age appropriate booklet and then they get their very own Ranger badge - they are getting quite a collection.
Today we hung out at Boot Hill and the OK Corral at Tombstone, Arizona. The highlights were definately the gun fights, trolly ride, the Tombstone Epitaph Museum and we even got a special family picture taken (Emma and Leah chose to be saloon girls as opposed to prairie girls). Oh yeah, Ray finally got under my skin and I had to take matters in my own hands.
Way to go Pisko's (David, Jane, John, Hannah and Jacob to be specific) for being so quick to answer correctly our last blog question. Yes it was Tyrone who initially had some cactus issues at the Joshua Tree National Park. Ray also ended up getting in on the action rescuing Tyrone!
And for our next question - at the Casa Grande Ruins there was a warning out about an animal recently spotted on the grounds. What was this animal???
We are planning to head into New Mexico tomorrow hoping to get closer to the White Sands National Monument.
Bye for now,
wow i was going to say cougar a but I think janice is back in delburne hahahah. I am going to say a bobcat, rylee says a skunk,
well if it is a skunk you know tyrone will find it so good luck.
The Werseens
I guess it was a kangaroo. Emma why was your face so red in the picture where you had the birthday cake in front of you. Were you laughing really hard?
Enjoy the sun and warm weather.
We had 2 inches of rain yesterday plus gale force winds and thunder and lightning. Not bad for March.
The schools in town were closed today due to flooding plus many basements flooded. We still have lots of snow and a weather warning for more tomorrow. Please someone explain what is going on?
The animal must be none other then Wily Coyote. If you hear a beep beep look out for him and a Road Runner.
As Ever Grampa and Gramma A
Nice dress Carmen! Ray looks good in a noose, too bad you still need a driver. Our guesses are: Sam - mountain lion, Adam - javelina, Paul - ratttlesnake, Helen - black bear. Harmony would love to spend a weekend with Tyrone at the kennel in California. Good work on the badges girls, Sam wants to join your feild trip!
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