While staying at Alamogordo, New Mexico we visited the Space History Museum where we learned more about rockets and missiles. It was most interesting to learn more and see some of the equipment that was used to perform various human reaction tests on G force (and I thought going on a roller coaster was bad). Leah was very interested to learn more about the role of chimpanzees in space training and testing. One popular chimp by the name of Ham was buried there. Ray also feels that he has missed his calling - he seems to be very skilled at landing the space shuttle during a simulation game!!

We then went to Roswell and of course had to visit the UFO Museum and learn more about "the Roswell incident". Roswell has certainly capitalized on the whole alien thing - they even had aliens on the Wallmart!
We are off to Texas tomorrow slowly making our way towards Houston with stops in Fredrickberg and San Marcus.
Way to go Gordie for figuring out why the highway by the White Sands is closed on a regular basis - for missle testing!
Our next question - Last night we experienced some crazy weather - there were extremely strong winds and even a touch of snow. As we were driving yesterday, Ray had to swerve to miss this particular item on the street and then again in the middle of the night, we awoke to a huge bang when 2 of these items crashed together. What are we talking about??
Until Texas.
This may a way out there but,
The thing on the road could be a giant bat. The crash at night would be two bats after leaving a bar losing their directions and running into each other.
Grampa H
Is it big horned sheep? lol
The things that went crash in the night would have to be oil containers of some kind.
Could it be cactus?
Could it be a........ armadillo if you even have them out there
it's gotta be tumblin' tumbleweed!
We are enjoying your adventures!
Amy Peters and fam.
Hey Carmen,
Glad to see that you guys are having such an excellent time. Looks like great fun ... enjoy! Everything's fine at the office and I'm sure you'll like your new 'office' :-)).
Did Clark see any little green men after drinking all that cheap American beer? Which does Clark do better Carmen, drive the motor home or land spaceships? Adam recieved his prize and he says thanks.
We think it might be tin garbage cans?
Hugs and kisses (yes for you to Ray)
The H2O'S
I can't find any smarties in Nevada or Arizona!
No Smarties here :( however a really big M&M World :) YUMMMMMMO!!!!!
Hey Gordo: Leah found 2 small boxes of smarties in her sectet stash on the motorhome (go figure). Phone us on Skype when you wanna play - have fun in Vegas!!!!
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