Dad thinks of the Kia SUV swamp commercial now - he found it here
We ended up missing the last tour at the Plantation after all that excitement and toured around Natchez instead . There are lots of really nice old houses in Natchez that we looked at and went went to a spot in downtown Natchaz where they used to sell slaves.
Then the next day we all got up bright and early and went to the Plantation. The Lady gave us a tour and showed us the slave quarters, barn, church, and saw how they harvested cotton long ago and today. This was really interesting to see a plantation first hand especially since the Grade 5 class read the book The Underground Railroad.We then went to the New Orleans area and stayed a state park on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain. To get to New Orleans you have to cross a huge bridge which goes on for 25 miles across the lake! New Orleans was very pretty in the French Quarter. In some ways it reminded me of pictures of Paris. We went to this place called Café Du Monde and tasted some very yummy baignets - a square dounut thing with lots of icing sugar (thanks for the tip Grandpa Ralph). And for lunch we went to this old fashion burger dinner were 3 people worked. There was an Afro-American Lady who kept dancing as she was cooking and all the employees had a dancing competetion. It was so FUNNY!
Well all your guesses on what to do if an alligator is chasing you on land are all good, but what we were told was if an alligator is ever chasing you on land you should run in zig-zags. Because you see when Alligators are on land they can run extremely fast in a precise straight line – they only see straight ahead… So that’s what you should do if an Alligator is chasing you on land.
Today’s nailbitting, headpuzzling trivia question is……………………… when we were staying over night at the State Park, and when dad got stopped by a State Park ranger, because he was over the speed limit of 15 miles per hour, how fast was he really going?
Until next time.
ZIG ZAG, CIRCLE what's the dif?
If Clark got caught doing 15 mph over the speed limit, he was probably going 50 mph?
Was he able to talk his way out of it?
Hi!Yes I agree with Paul - Zig zag circle - it's all the same if an allegator is chasing you!! Probably Ray was driving at 30km/hr.Hope you are feeling ok Leah.I liked the pic of the blue heron. MA
Oh wow I've never heard that before. Hey Emma me and Lauren are doing The Underground Railroad for our heritage fair project. It looks so cool. My guess is at least 80 to 100. Not very accuret but I'll take a swing at it.
Read your blob with a great deal of envy. Happened to notice on the Red Deer Advocate website you gusy were the featured blog for April 20with Emma's bog story. Here is the link. You guys are famous -- Marvin S.
-- Hope it works this time, Marvin
You guys had better watch out for Homeland Security with all the run ins with the law.
My answer is that Ray was going TOO fast.
Paul I figured that out all by myself.
Grampa H
Gramma and Grampa have run out of fingers and toes , times 2 to remember the number of birthdays which you have celebrated. To add to this total it is too complicated for us !!
Have a good one from the Andrews
of Manitoba.
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