Happy Mother's Day
Well after our PGA golfing experiences we headed north to the beautiful Savannah Georgia. We were totally blown away with how beautiful it was with the amazing trees (especially the magnolias in bloom) and the town squares and gardens were definately worth the visit. It was a bit of challenge to drive the rv down some of the roads though. Was it ever hot and humid in Savannah - wow!
*We watched an outdoor movie on a hot May evening in our tank tops and shorts on the lawn of a park in downtown Augusta (they have mosquitos and ticks here).
*Walked along the Savannah River
*Shopped and dined on catfish and hush puppies
*Were chased out of the Member's Only Augusta National Golf Course (another Ray story)
*And the most exciting thing we did on Mother's Day was attend a regular church service at the oldest black Baptist church in the US. In fact the church is 227 years old! This was quite the experience for all of us, lots of lively music and dancing and "hallelujahs". We were made very welcome - we received lots of hugs and handshakes! So if you are ever in Augusta I would highly recommend attending a service at the Springfield Baptist Church. See their website here.
We are planning to head towards North Carolina in the morning to the Great Smoky Mountain region.
Regarding our last blog question about what Ray ran over on the way to The Players golf tourney - Taylor and Jocelyn you made a really good guess. You wouldn't believe how many parking pylons we have seen in the south! We actually ran over this really, really large snake - we haven't figured out what kind it was though.
Signing off from the south.
I do soooo LOVE the deep deep south!! There is nothing like it. Enjoy meeting the ppl. soak in the sunshine and let your breath be taken away by the lush green that surrounds you. sigh....
See if you can visit an old cotton plantation. totally worth it makes one see how far things have truly come.
love and miss you.
WOW is that church OLD! Looks like you guys are having an interesting time. Miss you Emma.
Sounds like your going to have a lot of Ray stories when you get home Carmen. What did Clark do to get thrown out of the golf coarse?
He didn't try to take a knife in did he? Home land security is probably tracking him by satilite by now. Tell your Dad to send us some rain from Manitoba, we do not have any water for the mosquito's to live in.
Take care
I am relieved that it was a snake which was run over and not one of the kids gathering those red S golf balls.
Glad that you are enjoying the heat down there since it is susposed to freeze here for the next few nights.
Paul you can have the 1/2 inch of rain which we got to-day plus the ground was white with hail. No mosquitos too cold and would have been done in with the hail.
Best Go Gramma and Grampa A
I think it is illegal to drive over snakes that you cant identify.
I heard a story of a canadian couple and their kids that went to jail for running over the last american bovine snake in the world.
I have contacted PETA about your wreckless driving. Sounds like you and your family are having a great adventure. Take care and cant wait to hear about all the great Ray stories.
Hi guys, hey carmen are you taking notes so you don't forget any of rays wild and wonderful stories hope soooooooooooooo. talk to soon
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