All Things Civil War in Gettysburg:
The Best Day of My Life by Leah Pilkington
We were in Hershey and went to Chocolate World where they showed us how they make the different kinds of chocolate bars there like the Hershey's chocolate bar, Reese's Pieces, Kit Kats and of course Hershey Kisses. We went to a chocolate tasting school and sampled lots and lots of different kinds of chocolate. Because of all my hard work, I got my very own Masters in Chocolate Tasting Degree!! We ended up buying lots of chocolate there!! Did you know that the street lights in Hershey have Hershey kisses on them?? This really was the best day of my life (and Dad's too).
The Amish in Lancaster County by Emma Pilkington:

The Amish are people who live in different parts of the US and Canada who do not believe in using cars, tractors or any motorized vehicles and don't have any electricity in their homes. They travel by horse and buggy. The kids are not baptized until they are adults so they are not members of the church until they decide after the age of 18 years. Before young Amish make the decision to become members, many of them move to the city for awhile and drive cars.
We went to a Visitor Centre and saw a movie about an Amish boy called Jacob who drove his own car until he decided to become a baptised Amish. Next we got to tour a typical Amish home - I found it amazing that boys had to all share bedrooms until they got married but once a girl turned 16, they got their own bedroom. As soon as Amish men get married, they must grow a beard and never, ever cut it.
The Amish are people who live in different parts of the US and Canada who do not believe in using cars, tractors or any motorized vehicles and don't have any electricity in their homes. They travel by horse and buggy. The kids are not baptized until they are adults so they are not members of the church until they decide after the age of 18 years. Before young Amish make the decision to become members, many of them move to the city for awhile and drive cars.
We went to a Visitor Centre and saw a movie about an Amish boy called Jacob who drove his own car until he decided to become a baptised Amish. Next we got to tour a typical Amish home - I found it amazing that boys had to all share bedrooms until they got married but once a girl turned 16, they got their own bedroom. As soon as Amish men get married, they must grow a beard and never, ever cut it.
Since it was Sunday, many of the stores were closed and the Amish were at church, so we weren't sure if we would see any of them. But we were in luck - we saw many horses and buggies driving in the country side - we even saw kids playing baseball and some girls roller blading on the road through a covered bridge! 
Our next trivia question - what is this Amish building (below)??
With the last Springer Spaniel question - many of you were right - both George Bush Sr and George W had English Springer Spaniels like the one in the photo on the White House Grounds.
We are currently in the Pocono Mountains about 2 hours away from NYC. In fact, we just spent 3 days in the big apple - so will be telling you all about it very soon.
Ta ta for now.
I'm guess it's a outhouse and the windows are for if it really stinks in there they can open it.
Emma what is one thing you really miss that you left at home besides the tramp.
My guess is that the picture is of the only phone booth in the Amish community.
Gramma A
rylee thinks its a outhouse, but they do not have windows. I think it the door to the cellar, but then Gramma A could also be right, Gramma's are very smart.
I think it is a pumphouse for their water well. Carmen, finally the Big Apple! Have fun!!
Sam guesses it is where little Amish children go when they are bad.
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