After our Massachusetts experiences, we ventured to Canterbury New Hampshire to visit a historic Shaker village.

This Shaker Village was established way back in 1792 when founder Mother Ann Lee formed their 7th community in Canterbury New Hampshire which remained in existence for 200 years. At its height in the 1850's, 300 people lived and worked in the over 100 buildings and 3000 acres.
The Shakers are a religious group dissidents from various religions such as Quakers and Methodists. They were known as the"Shaking Quakers" of Shakers because of their use of dance, whirling and clapping in their worship.
They believe in:
*community ownership
*dancing in workshop
*living simple
"Hands to Work and Hearts to God" - Shakers were aggressive entrepreneurs with their well known "Shaker Brand" - furniture and brooms in particular. We recently read one classic shaker chair sold for over a 100k - WOW!
This was a very fascinating tour and look at the Shaker way of life. Today there are only 3 or 4 Shakers left alive in a community in Maine.
So about Ray's distant relative............would anyone believe it's Chevy Chase!! The Clark Griswold comparison is frightening!!
We are sticking around the northern Vermont area for awhile - stay tuned for a Pilkington family update soon.
Bye for now.
Who would have thought that they were related, i feal sorry for Chevy. So this must mean he does have a cousin Eddy? Could it be Rob? Try to keep your eyes on the road and not the Christy Brinklies that pass you on the hiway Ray. (or should we call you Clark from now on)
Funny guy Paul! I keep looking for the "Christy's" in the red Ferraris when I'm driving the 'rig' but no such luck yet - maybe in Canada. We all know Rob makes a better cousin Eddy than me being Clark ;o)
Well, well Ray; isn't that interesting. I can definately see the resemblance. I think that picture that you sent us earlier on of you and Marilyn kind of creeps me out now, you really are a true albertan. I knew you and Rob were close from the day you were spanking him in your basement.
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