Ray is quite relieved the router and network thru Verizon is now setup and working perfectly - skype is working too!
Now it’s time for another trivia question!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to Auntie Tracy Atkinson and the Werseen family who are the big winners (tie). The actual length of our rig with tow vehicle is 56.6 feet or 17.25 meters. Auntie Tracy, Merle, Terry and Rylee check your email for your prize in the next few days.
Today we visited the Wallmart Superstore in Great Falls – so guess what our question is about Wallmart -- Who can guess how many checkouts there are at the Great Falls Wallmart Superstore?
So we will continue to head south in the morning – cross your fingers for NO MORE SNOW!
Hooray for the Grade 2-3 class for registering a gmail account and making a Hands on guess for the trivia question! Keep it up 2-3s!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today the girls started on their mountain of school work while travelling – however; the picture you see of the books insn't their work – it's Carmen's planning books!!!!
Bye for now.
From Samantha
hello how is your trip.
I would like to guess 22 checkouts!
Adam's guess is 17.
Have a good day!
From the Werseen's
Hi Emma and Leah
Love your blog
My guess is 32 checkouts
Mom says 35 counting customer service.
I heard you have to do homework
that sucks rylee
My guess is 24 people ones and 12
self served ones.
Grampa H
Sounds like you had a bit of a crazzy start to the trip.. and no, I did not know that about taber. Cool.
K The Walmart Supercenter Store located @ 701 Smelter Ave. N.E. Great Falls HAS IN TOTAL: 52 CHECK OUTS!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
Carmen the teacher in you is really showing love all the planning books!!!
Safe adventures!!!!
Girls - Auntie wants to hear from you!!!!! What is the coolest stuff so far... have you had to clean yet??? (WINK, WINK).
Auntie xo
My guess is 17 checkouts everything included. Great Falls isn't that big of a place.
Happy Trails!
from taylor adams
hi emma how is your trip
i hope your haveing fun
i guess 45 checkouts
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