Well here we are in the Salt Lake City area for a bit longer than we had anticipated. We left Dillan yesterday morning and had a relatively uneventful trip - we did climb to heights up to 6400 feet!
When we got to Salt Lake City we heard that there was a big snow storm on its way. When we woke up in the morning - we saw snow - lots of snow (about 8 - 10 inches). So needless to say we decided to stay put.
Ray spent the morning working on the motorhome battery, being the handy person that he is, everything is good to go!
We went to this very cool, drive-in restaurant for lunch called Maddox. The girls were very impressed that someone would actually come out to our van to take our order and give us our food. Leah is a fan of the "long dog" as you can see by
the photo.
We then spent the afternoon visiting a state park on the shores of the Great Salt Lake and Ray went to a RV camping store.
So the plan is to continue south in the morning and get out of the SNOW. We are beginning to wonder if we will ever see the end of it!
Congratulations to Mr. Terry Werseen (at least I am assuming I have the right family member) correctly answered the last blog question - Helena Montana is the community with the most millionaires in the 1880's. Terry your prize will be coming to you soon.
Today's skill testing question - during our lunch experience, we learned that the Utah folks have something called "Fry Sauce" that they always serve with french fries which closely resembles a popular salad dressing - any ideas??
Happy Valentine's Day everyone and Happy 18th Birthday Shanah - sorry we aren't there to celebrate with you!
Hi! Sorry to hear you are still in snow. It is cold but sunny here.Happy Valentines Day to all of you. Your hot dog looked good Leah!Our guess Ranch dressing.Bye for now. Grandma
Great to talk to you on skype! Have to get into this contest thing. My guess is thousand island dressing. Fry sauce is one part mayo and two parts ketchup. Never heard of it before but isn't google and wikipedia wonderful? Have fun - hope you leave the snow behind soon. Put the pedal to the metal!
Oh yes and HAPPY VALENTINES day to all the girls!
Hey! Thanks for the Birthday wishes that you sent out to Shan.
I think it is funny that there is snow.. (makes me feel better being stuck here). I think you should just KEEP DRIVING, KEEP DRIVING SOUTH (oh I love the south).
Fry sauce is yummy (bad for you yummy but... YUMMY) Phil is right Mayo and ketchup. I like more ketchup in mine.. Oh and you can add spices to it!! garlic is good and so is hot sauce or chili powdeer. depends on what ya like. YUMO!!! Be on the lookout for deep fried chocolete bars!! get a mars one if ya see it. Oh and the farther south you get you will see big 'ol drum sticks YUMO! AND for sure get some black eyed peas! My mom used to make me eat them for good luck.
Love you all
Well, first things first It was Mrs Merle Werseen who spent time in helena, sorry can't let the husband take credit for my past. hahahah. But Fry sauce I would have guess its is one part heart attack and the rest spare tire around the belly. so ray, stay away. Bye for now Merle, Terry, Rylee
sorry to hear about the snowstorm mom had heard about it on the radio the morning u were suppost 2 leave. wuts with all the skool work ur suppost to relax on holidays.lol mom says 2 remind u 2 not forget 2 go to george straits wen ur in texas and bring him home. well have fun and everyone says hi. our guess is Thousand Island dressing,bye.
kacey has a few words.... hi Leah i miss you at skool and i really wish u were at skool right now,and all ur other friends miss u too.luv ya,kacey
love Tracy,Rob(BJ),Jordan,Shelby,Morgan,and Kacey.
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