We headed to the tiny town of Oatman Nevada which is on the historic Route 66. What a cute little place - it is an old mining town/ghost town with a western flair. Leah's
favorite part - the cute little burros who roam the town (they actually stop traffic as they walk down the street). They have gun fights on the main street - as you can tell one of them captured Leah from the crowd and wanted to keep her! (He offered his share of the local gold mine and his burro for her).
We then meandered further south to stay at Quartzsite for the night. Now this is an interesting place - motorhome after motorhome camped all over the place. Quartzsite is home to a huge rock and gem show in January which seems to drag into February and brings people out from all over. We seem very young here let me tell you!!
We are now in Yuma and weather is wonderful. We plan to be here for the next week or so since Ray's parents are here.
So no issues with Homeland Security in the last few days but Tyrone did have a bit of a run in with the Native Tribal Police Animal Control Services in Bullhead City!!!
In regards to Emma's bathroom question - she had her emergency stop at the Walgreens on Las Vegas Boulevard.
The next question - what is the favorite treat for the burros at Oatman?
Ta, ta for now
Hi there!! Emma I am soooo sorry that I missed you posting last time. :( :( :(
Sounds like you guys are having a fantastic time!! I am so very happy for you! I love the pictures you are posting. We should do a scrapbook together when you get back!!
Loved the phone call too! Made you feel not so far away from me! :)
I love, love, love Vegas too!! The lights are fantastic!! Did you like the boat at Treasure Island? Did you go to M&M World (love that place)! Did you go to a few shows?
Be on the lookout for a place called the Rainforest Cafe. IT IS A REALLY FUN PLACE TO EAT!
Love you all
Auntie xoxo
I am ready to get a question right!! carrots! they are on a all carrot diet :) I hope thats right...
Sounds like a really fun place to visit. Its cool that you are going to all of these places now i can add them to my list of places to see. Look forward to your next blog and call!
Miss you
Mares eat oats
Burros eat oats
And little lambs eat ivy
The oats would have to be processed
in some form since they would be imported from somewhere maybe Canada.
What was the burros name Emma?
Was that Pixie or Dixie the bad guy took?
Grampa and Gramma A
Wow guys, it all sounds so exciting and interesting.
Good thing you took Dad and Tyrone along for excitement, you girls are all so well behaved. Our guess for the burros favourite treat is apples, that is what Honky the Donkey likes at our house.
Leah, is that your new green outfit that I see, it is beautiful, the robber must have associated it with money I guess.
Sorry, the post above is from the Jacksons, in case you couldn't figure it out.
Hello Canadian Travelers. I received a land line call from Harry telling me to get on the ball
and send a message (order of Emma)
First off I think burrows eat cactus. In following your adventures to date with all the run
ins you guys have had already I'm
afraid Homeland Security may be monitoring your blog so I have to be careful. Seems Carmen is the only one yet that has not been kidnapped, enjoyed a gunfight, had ("hissy Fit) whatever that is. Even Tyrone has been subject to police attention.Coninue to have a fun time and keep us posted. I don't think Lea should seek a career as a dealer or dancer in a casino. Love The Regina Andrew Family.
Corn we guess corn off the cob! Hopefully this guess will be right for once. Ray what is happening with your house? We hear it's falling apart! Do we need to take over a case of duct tape to hold it together? Hope every thing is going good and that Tyrone didn't get captured by the natives and eaten!!!
Did they keep Leah or let her go? (Emma probably would be happy if they kept her!!!.)
the h2os
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